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Noemi Bisicchia - Web Designer

About me

Hi, I'm Noemi, this is my Portfolio website and my university coursework page.

I'm a Web & Graphic Designer. After my degree in Graphic Design in Italy I decided to move to the UK and follow my dream: learn web design.

In 2017 I studied for an MA in Web Design & Content Planning in London. I graduated in November 2018 and I'm currently a Junior Web Designer for an international company in Hampshire.

One of the things I enjoy most, it's to design templates, icons and logos. Even on this webpage, I drew all the icons.

Check my Portfolio to see all my past projects and follow me to see my improvements.

CF: G Course

At the beginning of 2020 I had the pleasure to discover Code First: Girl, thanks to an "Introduction to Web Development" course, ran in Reading for two months.

Code First: Girls is a not for profit social enterprise who works actively to help increase the number of women in tech. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be part of this adventure and improve my skills.

Have a look at my final project which also won as the best of the course.

MA Courses

Those are the projects I been working during my MA period at the University of Greenwich from September 2017 to November 2018.

The course was Web Design and Content Planning.

Major Project

Content Management

Applied Art for the Web

Design, Social Media, UX & SEO